7th Hike: Mount Sawi

Hiking Leaf # 7: First hike of 2018 The month of January became busy for me due to work, which is why I wasn't able to join my group's recent climbs. It has been almost two months since my last hike, and I started to wonder if I could handle another major climb like Tapulao. However, I didn't want to push myself too hard, so I decided to go on a minor climb first to test my knees. Doc Sheng (who I hiked with in Montalban Trilogy Version 1) invited me to join her group's climb to Mount Sawi. Without hesitation, I agreed to her invitation. I also invited JP, and I was happy that he accepted. On February 3, 2018, JP and I arranged for a pick-up in Munoz as we were heading north to save on transportation costs. I was excited for this hike because our hiking destination will be in the province of Nueva Ecija, my beloved province. Everyone in the van was colleagues of Doc Sheng, so Jaypee and I were the new joiners in the group. We picked up another companion in Tarlac i...